Your Place for Complete,
Compassionate Care
Your Place for Complete, Compassionate Care

About Karen Bryant

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So far Karen Bryant has created 114 blog entries.
5 03, 2020

National Nutrition Month: Eat Right, Bite by Bite


By John A. Ruibal, MS, RDN, CSSD, Prowers Medical Center’s Registered Dietitian Nutritionist National Nutrition Month® is an annual nutrition education and information campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign, celebrated each year during the month of March, focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating [...]

National Nutrition Month: Eat Right, Bite by Bite2021-04-20T11:24:35-06:00
27 02, 2020

How Smoking Affects Heart Health


Most of us know smoking is an unhealthy habit for our lungs, but it’s equally as detrimental to our heart health as well. Studies show smokers are four times more likely to die of heart disease and three times more likely to die from sudden cardiac death, according to the Heart Foundation. Kelli Bitner, Family [...]

How Smoking Affects Heart Health2021-04-20T11:26:27-06:00
20 02, 2020

Know Your Numbers: A Preventative Approach to Heart Health


Do you know your numbers? We’re not talking about your emergency contact phone numbers or for the details of your personal budget. We’re talking about the numbers that determine your risk for heart disease, stroke and other heart-related conditions. Knowing your numbers for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI) are the [...]

Know Your Numbers: A Preventative Approach to Heart Health2021-04-20T11:27:50-06:00
13 02, 2020

A Healthy Heart Means a Happy Heart


By Kristin Traverson  It’s a New Decade “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it,” according to famous philosopher George Santayana. One hundred years ago, the leading cause of death was infectious disease. Medicine has evolved spectacularly over the years in order to treat diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, the common cold, [...]

A Healthy Heart Means a Happy Heart2021-04-20T11:27:54-06:00
6 02, 2020

How Heart Disease & Diabetes Go Hand in Hand


By Kristin Traverson Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and diabetes is on the rise.  Most people may glaze over the correlation between the two, but it is an existent issue. These conditions can have an effect on one another, and not in your favor. Being proactive and learning about [...]

How Heart Disease & Diabetes Go Hand in Hand2021-04-20T11:27:59-06:00
30 01, 2020

Common Illnesses in the Wintertime


Winter brings more than just cold air and shorter days; there are several illnesses that peak during the snowier months between November and March. It’s an annual ritual: we rev up for flu season in October and prepare for our children’s sick days when there’s snow on the ground. It’s not that viruses and bacteria [...]

Common Illnesses in the Wintertime2021-04-20T11:27:28-06:00
23 01, 2020

Motion is Lotion: Exercising to Keep Your Joints Healthy


Exercise and regular movement provide various health benefits beyond weight loss, including improvement of cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal and organ health. Everyday movement is also a straight-forward solution to maintaining healthy joints. Recent studies show that daily movement is more important than ever, due to increasingly sedentary lifestyles in the U.S., according to Travis Hall, Doctor of [...]

Motion is Lotion: Exercising to Keep Your Joints Healthy2021-04-20T11:27:40-06:00
16 01, 2020

Medical Interpreters Continue to Create a Bridge for Patients


In response to the diverse community in Prowers County and surrounding communities, Prowers Medical Center continues its positive movement in making great strides and changing the community’s perception about their local health care services. Internal programs at the hospital have increased awareness among health care providers and staff regarding different cultural backgrounds and health disparities [...]

Medical Interpreters Continue to Create a Bridge for Patients2021-04-20T11:28:30-06:00
9 01, 2020

How to Change Your Habits to Improve Overall Health


It can be tempting to want to drastically change your health habits at the start of a New Year. Whether it’s shedding a few pounds, lowering your cholesterol or simply visiting with a physician more regularly, it’s easy to want either speedy or immediate results that are mindless. Unfortunately, that’s just not realistic, and it’s [...]

How to Change Your Habits to Improve Overall Health2021-04-20T11:28:47-06:00
2 01, 2020

The Perfect Vision for Your New Year’s Wellness Plan


By John Ruibal, MS, RDN, CSSD At the start of each New Year, we tend to reflect on the past year, and anticipate and plan for the year to come. Wellness has many layers, and sometimes it can seem overwhelming when we try to make all the changes we feel we need to in order [...]

The Perfect Vision for Your New Year’s Wellness Plan2021-04-20T11:30:42-06:00
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